Media Consolidation:

 What the heck is Media Consolidation? 

    Many people, like me have never even heard of media consolidation before. After doing research and some digging, I'm shocked I didn't learn about it sooner.

    Media consolidation is defined as the concentration of ownership of our news sources into the hands of fewer and fewer corporations. The more simple definition is a single company owns multiple media outlets in a given market. Is this a good or bad thing? That's a great question. The answer is complex. Especially today, the media does not represent everyone's views and media consolidation is to blame for it. 

    Most people do not have confidence or trust in the news or newspapers because everything is biased nowadays. In order to have a democracy there should be many different ideas and information presented online being presented in meaningful ways that isn't changed for commercial advantage. Consolidation removes these elements and basically dominates the smaller news businesses. There is a huge fear that the larger media houses will continue to silence alternate views. This is a big problem with political news.

    Some positives of media consolidation include the fact that it can raise quality levels of local programming. If the media is consolidated and the people have the control of what they want to see, the government control is minimal. It also has a lesser investment risk. 

    Media consolidation greatly affects society and us. It can result in job losses because consolidation is silencing independent

 news organizations and losing them lots of money. Young journalists are struggling to get themselves known because of this. It has a direct hand in the quality of American journalism and media consolidation decides how accountable that journalism is to its audience. Overall, it might cause you not to trust the media because of whats being shown.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% of the Media in America  


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