EOTO Presentations 2:

 What I learned from EOTO Presentations #2:

Illustrated Propaganda Posters of World War I, with Dennis Dittrich

    I learned so much about technology through the second round of EOTO presentations. One thing that stood out to me the most was Propaganda. 

Propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or person or idea. Propaganda is bad because it has a history of being racist and sexist. Although most propaganda is bad, not all of it is. It was created to affect society as a whole as it works to change people's ways of thinking and acting. 

Political propaganda was extremely popular during the presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Many many news companies and newspapers put out biases articles and opinions trashing one candidate or the other or exaggerating something one of them did. The purpose of this was to sway people towards one candidate or the other. The purpose is to manipulate people's beliefs, attitudes, or actions. 

Propaganda isn't just an article, it can be banners, words, gestures, signs, and more. It is most commonly used to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc... Overall, I don't agree with manipulating people's views to try and change them. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and they have the right to voice it however they choose. 

Propaganda: 📣 From Screed to Screen📱


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