Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight Values of Free Expression:

Media Law & Literacy: WEEK 2, pt. 2: Eight Values of Free Expression

In order to have a democracy, we need free expression. This means that the government cannot forbid us to say what we want to say or write. All of the eight values are extremely important but a few specifically stand out to me. Below, I will briefly summarize each value, then explain which mean the most to me. 

1. Marketplace of Ideas: This idea is all about the truth and falsehood of society. Truth will always win. I personally think social media perfectly displays this idea because almost everything we see online is fake or edited. We live in a world where we edit our pictures to make ourselves look better. We tend to only show the good parts of life rather than showing the realistic way of living which isn't always happy. Now, there are even apps that promote editing of one's appearance and this is just wrong in my opinion. 

How to Spot a Fake Social Media Giveaway | WHNT.com

2. Participation in Self-Government: Not all citizens will make the right decisions in elections if they aren't able to communicate properly. As citizens we deserve an informed electorate involved in debate. A great example of this idea is this year's election between Trump and Biden. Each candidate spoke over each other. interrupted each other, and fought during the debates. Citizen's struggled to get clear ideas of what each candidate thought about specific topics. This is why candidates should clearly state their positions.

How to Watch the First 2020 Presidential Debate | WIRED

3. Stable Change: This idea suggests that if people are able to speak their mind about what they want to, there will be less violence. Sometimes you just need to go on a rant in order to feel better. We have the right to speak freely about any topic and we have the right to vent. One thing that has helped citizens be able to speak their minds is again, social media. Although it has its pros and cons, social media is a great place to make your opinion known and quickly share it with others.

Free speech: is it actually a good thing? - Vox 

4. Individual Self-Fulfillment: Having free speech allows individuals to express themselves and create their own identities. Doing this allows us the find other people like us that have the same views and values. As Americans, we constantly complain and take what we have for granted when in reality, we are actually so lucky. We should learn to value these freedoms more. 

Individual Rights: A Libertarianism.org Guide

5. Check on Governmental Power: As citizens it is our responsibility to learn about the abuses of power so we can know when something is wrong. We also have the right to check and challenge governmental power if we do not think they have our best interests at heart. This is the why the checks and balances system is so important. There are plenty of apps nowadays that can give you today's latest information if you miss the news. 

How Checks and Balances Work in the US Government

6. Promote Tolerance: Listening to speech that we find hateful or upsetting teaches us to become more tolerant in other aspects of life. We need to be more tolerant of other people's views. Not everyone is going to agree on the same thing and that is okay. One thing that needs to be addressed is cancel culture. We live in a world where everything you say is held against you. If you say the wrong thing, the internet will quite literally gang up on you. This is wrong and needs to be fixed. We should be more open-minded to the fact that not everyone thinks the way we do.

Bari Weiss On Cancel Culture | RadioWest

7. Promote Innovation: This value enforces the fact that free speech is valued and protected and because of this we are more likely to have a more interesting society. Today, the interest is a huge example of protecting free speech and also allowing you to post whatever you want. You are able to express your opinion as well as read and comment on other's opinions. 

Psychologists: 'There is no alternative to free speech' | Cornell Chronicle

8. Protect Dissent: The First Amendment protects minority views regardless of how popular they are. You also have the right to disagree with the government and others. It doesn't matter what your views are you are still given this right to criticize if you feel the people's best interests are not being considered. 

 Why Dissent Is Important To Live An Authentic Life

I think the most important value is promoting tolerance. When we look at speech that can be hateful or distasteful most of us are extremely judge mental. Our society feeds off of cancel culture and we live in a society where you can't have differing viewpoints without being attacked. We need to promote tolerance more because we have the right to say what we want and we need to be more openminded of other's opinions. I strongly believe that protecting dissent is also one of the most important values of expression. We have the right to disagree with the government and everyone else. If the government is not doing what is best for the people then we have every right to criticize that. 



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