EOTO Technology

 EOTO Technology Presentations: 

    One technology I learned about during our EOTO Presentations was the petroglyph. Learning about the petroglyph was extremely interesting to me because it was used as a form of communication back in 290,000 and 700,000 B.C.E. I did my first EOTO Presentation of the history of paper and a part of my presentation was talking about what was used before paper and interestingly enough, petroglyphs were one of the tools used before paper was invented. 

    Petroglyphs were made in caves and anywhere large rocks were found. They were made by carving into the rocks surface to reveal lighter layers underneath. People would draw animals, shapes, and symbols to communicate since writing didn't exist yet. Petroglyphs were important for people since back then this was their only way of communicating with one another. Each petroglyph has a meaning behind it, it can be a warning, different languages, or religious symbols. You can now find petroglyphs in Africa, Scandinavia, Siberia, and many other places. You can also see petroglyphs in museums. Below is 8 spots in the United States that you can see petroglyphs. 

Pictographs, Petroglyphs, “Rock Art,” What is the difference? – Pieces of  HistoryPetroglyph - Wikipedia



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